Register and pay fee by clicking the link below
Check out our cool tournament merchandise for sale here
38th Annual Fishing Tournament "Bare Bones"
Tournament Entry Fee:
Entry Fee is $300 per boat. This includes 4 angler shirts and tournament gift bucket, and entrance to all the events. Captain's meeting, weigh in's, and Benevolent "Summer Bash"/ Awards Party $50 each additional angler.
Tournament Registration deadline:
Registrations must be submitted by May 15thth 2023 in order to receive T shirts and Gift Bucket.
Final registration closes 6pm. June 5th, 2023@ Captains Meeting
Team Participants. Each angler will only be eligible to be an angler with one team and one team only. Anglers can't be anglers on other teams on other days of fishing.
Eligible Fishing Days: June 7tti, June 81\ June 9th• Each Team is eligible to designate and weigh in on one of these days.
Designated fishing/weigh in day: Each team will Text tournament committee by 7am on the day of, that they want to fish and weigh in. In the text you need to include your team name, person's name sending text and date you are choosing to fish.
Tournament committee member will confirm your text with a OK and a thumbs up emoji Gabe Nemeth (305-281-1184) Gonzo Garcia (786-277-9686)
Fishing Time: Lines·in the water - 7:00 a.m. (0700 hours) There is no designated time for lines out.
Boats must depart from United States waters the morning of the Tournament. Fish must be delivered by boat or car to the weigh station at Matheson Hammock Fuel Dock before 5pm on Fishing/weigh in day June 7th,8th, and 9th.. Weigh tickets must be turned into the Weigh Master before 5:00pm the weigh station will open at 2:00 p.m. June 7tti,81h,9th, 2023, Weigh-In tickets will be distributed at Captains meeting.
Eligible Fish: This tournament is limited to Dolphin only. All fish accepted for weigh-in must be in fresh, edible condition of legal size, and caught on the tournament day. No
mutilated fish will be accepted. The weigh-in officials will make the decision on accepting the fish for weigh-in.
Three Tournament Categories:
Aggregate Scoring: (the largest combined weight of three Dolphin). Up to but no more than, three (3) Dolphin may be entered per boat. A fish must be of legal length (20" to the fork) AND weigh a minimum of 5Ibs to be entered.
Big Fish: The heaviest Dolphin weighed
Check-in: All boats entering fish for weigh-in must visually check in at the official check in point according to the Fishing Time Rule.
Weigh-in Station: Boats weighing in fish are to proceed in an orderly manner to the Weigh-in Station. At the weigh-in station only three (3) fish will be off loaded. Either the captain or a crew member must remain with the fish to verify the weigh-in and sign the weigh ticket. To expedite the weigh-in, boats will not tie up.
Ties: In the event there is a tie at weigh-in, the winner will be determined by the earliest weigh-in time.
Protest: Any protest concerning conduct of an angler or rules violations, must be filed in writing the day of the alleged violation and within one hour after the last fish of the day is weighed. All decisions of the committee will be final.
Registration: All boats must be registered by a State Certified Firefighter, Police Officer, active or retired Military (boat may be owned by a non-firefighter, non-police officer or non-Military). Registration may be made by EventBrite, electronic mail, conventional postage or delivered in person to any Benevolent Officer or @ Captains meeting. Registration must be in no later than 1800 hours June 5th 2023. There will be no changes permitted in the registered boat after the close of the captains meeting on Monday, June 5th, 2023. All boats must meet USCG and FL. Dept. of Natural Resources safety regulations for their size.
Captains Meeting: Monday, "A" Shift June 5th, 2023. at "Local 1403 Fire Tower" 8000 NW 21st st. Miami Fl. 33122. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the meetings will start promptly at 7 p.m. The meeting will last approximately one hour or until all information is passed. All participating Captains (or representatives) must be present at the meeting to receive their tournament packets. The rules and regulations may be amended by additional verbal and printed materials, which may be disseminated at the captains meeting prior to the tournament.
Entry Forms: All Captains are required to fill out completely and sign their entry forms as certification that all participants have read and agree to abide by all rules and regulations. All entry forms MUST be completed and signed by the end of the Captains meeting.
Awards: The tournament prizes will be given at the Awards Party. The awards party will be at "Local 1403 Fire Tower" 8000 NW 21st st. Miami Fl. 33122, Winnings will be paid by check from the Dade County Firefighters Benevolent.
Responsibility of Contestants: All fishing, conduct, protest, and rulings are to be with the intentions and spirit of the tournament. It is intended to be enjoyable, in good fellowship, and for everyone to have a great time. Unacceptable conduct ashore or at sea will not be condoned and may be grounds for disqualification of your boat.
Release of Tournament from Liability: It is expressly understood that all participants in the DCFBA's Dolphin Tournament enter at their own risk, and that the Dade County Firefighters Benevolent Association, Inc, Coconut Palm Inn, their officers/directors and all persons connected directly or indirectly with the operation of the tournament, or any sponsor of the tournament shall be exempt from any liability for libel, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm injury or death suffered by any participant, entrant, sport fisherman, their companions, by captains, mates, crew members, guest, vessels and or equipment which may occur during this tournament.
Subject to increase upon participation
Single Largest Fish Largest Combined Weight (Fish)
Grand Prize $1500.00 Grand Prize $ 3500.00
Second Prize $ 2500.00
Third Prize $ 1000.00
Fourth Prize $ 500.00
Single Largest Dolphin Caught by Junior Angler 15 years or younger
Prize TBA - Prize will be provided by Little Swimmers
Copyright © 2025 Dade County Firefighter's Benevolent - All Rights Reserved.